MIZZLE Continues to Develop Overseas Markets to Enhance the Brand's International Image
September 19, 2023

Under the new opportunity of the whole industry focusing on the road to the sea, MIZZLE, a well-known brand of electronic cigarettes, recently said that it will continue to accelerate the global layout and business expansion with technological products and high-quality services, enhance the international image, and promote the prosperous development of China's electronic cigarettes in the global market.

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It is reported that mizzle has rich experience in the sea, relying on the whole industry chain layout and quality service, has successfully stationed in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and more than a dozen countries and regions, and set up marketing agencies and after-sales service centers in the core regional markets, the future will accelerate the globalization strategy deployment.

With the arrival of the new era of e-cigarette brands going overseas, how to really build the brand and continue to win the trust of overseas consumers is the key to whether e-cigarette brands can go out. Therefore, in the future long-term competition in overseas markets, excellent products, team capabilities, sales channels and quality service are all necessary conditions.


Complete scientific research to enhance product competitiveness 

MIZZLE starts from meeting users' needs, adheres to the concept that quality, taste and safety are indispensable, takes products as the driving force, imports industry-leading core technologies into the products, constantly upgrades and iterates the products, leads the industry by virtue of strong scientific research capabilities, and owns a number of inventions and a large number of structural patents.

MIZZLE has an advanced independent R & D laboratory and a strong technical R & D team, members are from the empire of tobacco, science and technology enterprises, as well as domestic colleges and universities, such as well-known enterprises and authoritative institutions to reach a partnership, diversified layout, deep plowing in the field of health, combined with the production capacity of the enterprise, the scientific and technological achievements will be transformed and provided to consumers.

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Internationalized Standards Ensure Product Safety

MIZZLE has invested tens of millions of dollars for the brand to go overseas and submitted PMTA (Tobacco Products Market Access Application), and produces products in full compliance with the US FDA and EU TPD standards, and all the processes are completed under the ISO9001 quality management system, which maximizes the stability of the product's performance and the high standard of experience.

Quality channel resources to enhance sales capacity

MIZZLE has many years of experience in developing overseas channels, and has set up marketing organizations and after-sales services in North America, Europe and other core regional markets, covering a variety of local terminal scenarios, both online and offline, or wholesale and retail, and gradually establishing a channel network throughout the world, which will significantly enhance overseas sales performance.

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High-quality service to enhance brand reputation

Branding overseas is an important historical stage in the transformation of Chinese products into global brands. MIZZLE adheres to the brand vision of "new experiments on future consciousness, creating infinite possibilities for the senses", and on top of consolidating its original foundation, it maintains its deep plowing and strives to create safe, stable, healthy, harm-reducing and temperate scientific and technological nebulizing products, and provide high-quality services to consumers for a beautiful and healthy new life.

MIZZLE is in line with the world, accelerating the development of overseas markets, deepening transnational business cooperation, and comprehensively enhancing the brand's international image.

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